Everyone wants to have smooth and soft skin. We do many things like applying beauty care products, using different homemade remedies, eating different foods, etc. to achieve and maintain smooth glowing skin. Hair removal is also a part of one’s hygiene. Unwanted hair can cause discomfort. During summer, the areas covered with unwanted hair sweat more and smell badly. So, to avoid such situations, removing unwanted hair is the best option. Waxing gives one a smooth and soft skin that lasts long. Visiting salons every few weeks to get your unwanted hair waxed sounds too much for many. So people are more eager to know how to wax at home. Fortunately, now with advanced wax kits, one can wax themselves at home comfortably.
Bikini waxing can be done at home if a few steps are followed and all the safety measures are maintained. If one does not follow precautions, the bikini wax at home can be messy. The most important care tips are mentioned below:
- Hair length: Before you try waxing at home, you must check if the hair growth is appropriate for waxing or not. If the hair is too thin and short, waxing cannot be done. The hair must be one inch long so that the wax strips can grab the unwanted hair.
- Clean and exfoliate the area: One must clean the desired area before applying the wax. The use of a branded product is recommended to avoid any skin issues.
- Dry the skin: Dry skin is a must for waxing. Any traces of oil should be removed before applying the wax. To get a bikini wax at home, one must apply powder on the area to make it dry, or else the wax will be stuck to the skin and the hair removal process will be painful.
- Wax and creams: Semi-hot wax should be used on the skin. Hot wax may burn the skin. Mainly for bikini waxing, the genital areas are too sensitive. So taking extra care is needed. Cooling creams can be used after the wax to get rid of the burning sensation.
- Hair growth direction: The direction of hair growth must be kept in mind when you wax. While applying, the wax should be pressed towards the direction of hair growth so that all the unwanted hair is stuck to the wax. Pulling off the strips must be done in the opposite direction of hair growth for complete hair removal. This method must be followed for better results.
If all these tips are taken care of, one can learn how to wax at home without any difficulty. Having a groomed body boosts one’s confidence and enhances their appearance. Waxing at home has made it easy for us to get a hairless smooth body.