It is no secret that credit cards offer a plethora of benefits to their users and act as a convenient accessory to make quick and easy payments. However, many are apprehensive and tend not to utilize their cards to their full potential and rightfully so, as lack of knowledge on this can tend to misuse and eventually lead to unsavory financial debts. It is very tempting to use credit cards instantly from the moment you possess them, but before you do, it is important to know how you could benefit from them in the right manner. Read on to know all about what to do when you get your card so you can use credit cards instantly.
How to Use your Credit Cards Instantly
Once your credit card is approved, you must sit back and wait until you get your hands on it. After the card has been sent to you, you can follow the tips mentioned below for helping you use credit cards instantly as well as securely.
1. Open and set up a pin number
Once you get the credit card, you should open the envelope it has come in and take the card out. On the instructions booklet that comes along with the card, there will be step-by-step instructions on how to activate and set up the pin number for your card, which you should go online to the official website and do so. Once you set this up, you can start to use your credit card immediately and safely.
2. Do a dummy transaction
If you are unsure of the activation, do a small transaction for online purchase. It can be a bill payment, a small purchase or even a money transfer to someone for a minuscule amount. Once this goes through, you can be assured that your credit card is active and start reaping its benefits.
3. Reward Points
One of the most lucrative benefits of credit cards is the reward points program. In this, you get rewards every time you make a transaction, and the accumulation of these points can get you many freebies such as movie tickets, retail, dining options, flight upgrades, tickets to events, etc. This is a good reason of why you should swipe your credit card for every expense you need to make almost instantly from the time you get your hands on it.
4. Pay Bills on Time
Using a credit card can be quite freeing and exciting, so as soon as you get your credit card, ensure that you don’t go overboard while you use it for your expenses. If you bite more than what you can chew, you will be slapped with bills you can’t pay and incur credit card debt, resulting in a poor credit score. This could eventually land you in financial trouble and affect your future business endeavours.
5. Understand Charges
Before you go using your credit card, ensure that you understand the interest charges as well as annual charges. If you have a minimum spend limit, you will figure out what all you can pay with your credit card and use it effectively. Your interest charges will let you know what you need to pay if you run late on payments.
6. Lounge Access
Almost every reputed credit card company will have airport lounge access facilities offered along with the card. Once you get the card, demand an extra one for the lounge access or activate it on your current card. This must be done as soon as possible after you receive your card.