Detailed Pregnancy Diet Chart for the 1st Month

Pregnancy blues are usually most challenging initially and gradually fade as your pregnancy advances. At this hour, not only is the mother accountable for her emotions, but she is also responsible for her own and the foetus’s health. Therefore, it is now more crucial than ever to have a healthy, nutritious, and wholesome diet. Moreover, complete knowledge about the first-month pregnancy diet is fundamental as it influences the health of the developing foetus.

Here, we will cover the foods to include in your 1st month pregnancy diet chart for healthy weight gain to fulfil the needs of a growing foetus.

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1) Folate-Rich Foods

Usually, a gynaecologist recommends folic acid supplements, but you must also take folic acid-rich foods. Folic acid is helpful for embryo growth and pregnancy stability. Additionally, folic acid is a necessary nutrient for the fetus’s brain and spinal development. It helps in the formation of blood during pregnancy and the prevention of abnormalities in the newborn. Some excellent sources of folate-rich food are:

  • Lentils and pulses
  • Green leafy vegetables—peas, spinach, broccoli
  • Cereals – rice, wheat bran, oats, whole wheat flakes, cornflakes

2) Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is vital to include in the diet during the first month of pregnancy because it helps control vomiting and nausea, which are frequent morning sickness symptoms in pregnant women. Bananas, salmon, dry fruits, whole grains, and peanut butter are rich in vitamin B6. It is vital to remember that grapes are high in vitamin C and vitamin B6, however, grapes should be avoided in pregnancy.

3) Add Iron to Diet

Iron is a critical nutrient for foetal development. Iron is abundant in animal sources. Nevertheless, vegetarians should ingest vitamin C to improve iron absorption from vegetable sources. Some iron-rich foods include:

  • Mutton, chicken, eggs
  • Green leafy vegetables, lentils, beetroot

4) Include Calcium in Diet

Calcium is essential for foetal heart and nerve function and should be consumed during the first month and beyond. It also promotes the growth of strong bones, teeth, and muscles. Calcium is abundant in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese.

5) Iodine is essential

Iodine is another mineral that should be included in your diet in the first month of pregnancy. Iodine aids in regulating thyroid hormones, which are required for healthy fetal development. Iodine is available in eggs, as well as iodized salt.

6) Include Protein-Rich Foods

Protein-rich meals must be included in the first month of pregnancy’s diet. Protein aids in the development of fetal tissues and the healing of breast and uterine muscles. Low protein consumption during pregnancy may result in infants with low birth weight. Protein-rich foods include seeds, almonds, eggs, lentils, and kidney beans.

7) Add Fibrous foods

Consume fibre-rich meals such as oats, legumes, whole grain bread, fruits, and vegetables to relieve constipation and regularize bowel movements. Fruits such as oranges, apples, strawberries, avocados, and bananas are beneficial during pregnancy. However, some fruits, such as pineapple, dates, papaya, and grapes, should be avoided in pregnancy.

Aside from the items indicated above, it would be best if you also drink lots of water to stay hydrated. You should also contact your doctor to determine foods to avoid during your first-month pregnancy diet plan and make appropriate nutritional choices.

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