In today’s world, we buy everything online from books to lingerie and buying mattresses from online mattress store is no exception. It may seem strange to purchase something so substantial online. Also, we may get sceptical of buying a mattress without seeing or testing it first. But, guess what, there are many benefits of purchasing a mattress from online mattress souq and buying new-age kinds like mattress-in-a-box.

Boxed mattresses are different from traditional innerspring spring mattresses. The first benefit is that you don’t need to go to a mattress store and deal with salespeople and consider confusing pricing to get a bed.

Let us get a low-down on the trends of mattress-in-a-box.

Setup: Mattress-in-a-box is shipped straight to your home. They are easy to set up, the downtime is under 10 minutes. Just move the box into the bedroom, slide the mattress out of the box, unwrap it and watch it decompress. Once you unbox it, the mattress requires a day to come to its full size.

Supportive: You can buy a boxed mattress of any firmness. They offer more consistent support than a traditional mattress does. Again, they tend to be a little softer than a spring mattress due to the foam present in them.

Delivery: Come on, we know how bulky traditional mattresses are. Getting those vast beddings inside a home can be tricky, not to mention their costly delivery charges. Whereas mattresses in a box are stuffed into a large box that can easily enter through your door, and most mattress souqs online offer free shipping.

Material: Boxed mattresses can be made out of many different materials. Most do not have inner springs; they are made up of memory foam layers, latex and other materials.

Cost: Mattresses in a box are cheaper than the ones available in offline mattress stores as there are no store overheads or staff.

Durability: A quality boxed mattress lasts as long as a traditional one. It also bed comes with about a 10-year warranty period.

Heat dissipation: A well-designed boxed mattress sleeps you as cool as an equivalent foam mattress.

Value: If you are on a budget, do not want to deal with a salesperson at a mattress store and don’t have any specific needs, then buying a boxed bed from online mattress souq is worth it.

On top of that, most companies have free trial periods, and you can always get a refund. Most importantly, you’ll have a completely hassle-free experience in bringing one home.

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