Why Duplicate Content is Bad for Your Blog and SEO

Duplicate content makes for 25-30% of all web pages. Further, 29% websites face copied content issues which can negatively impact Google rankings. It is usually word-to-word for the same text that appears on another page. However, any paragraph, phrase or sentence which is slightly re-written can also be categorized as matching piece of content. Few of the most common reasons for similar information on multiple pages are “www. and non-www.” page versions, multiple URL for the same page and HTTP and HTTPS page versions.

There is no penalty for plagiarized content. However, your page will be ranked below your competitors’ which is enough to impair your profit potential. This happens because of less traffic inflow in your website. Have a look at the link between duplicate content and SEO and why it is not right for your blogs.

Importance of Unique Content

Original content is the best way to stand out among a crowd of websites. This is because Google predicts that your site has information put together in a way no one did. Further, your potential buyers recognize the unique efforts you have put in marketing your business rather than simply picking ideas and thoughts from elsewhere.

 In fact, a successful blog is the one which can address the needs and questions of readers rather than stuffing them with the same information already present on the internet. Lastly, unique content helps Google pick your website as a relevant option to show on top of search engines.

How Does Duplicate Content Affect SEO

Similar and identical content on a site can result in a number of unwanted scenarios. For example, lower search engine rankings, reduces web-traffic and subsequent low sales and ultimately disappointed users whose concerns and queries are not addressed. Lastly, duplicated content from elsewhere will diminish the value and trustworthiness of your website in the eyes of your existing consumer base.

Onsite duplication can be easily controlled by the site admin while offsite duplication has to be managed by working with the offending websites. Further, there are two other kinds of duplication:

  1. Internal:  On-page elements, product descriptions, URL parameters and trailing slash are the same.
  2. External: Scraped content where you are stealing information to improve organic visibility and syndicated content in which your original work is being republished on other sites.

How to Avoid Duplicate Content

A few best ways to fix this is to set up 301 redirects, use REL= ‘CANONICAL’ and apply Noindex. These are extremely helpful to ensure you online initiatives are free of duplicity and gain the worthy credit. Further, to make sure only fresh content is being uploaded on the website, consider using a plagiarism checker with multi-layered and extensive search capability.

With this feature, the online plagiarism checker is usually able to cross-check your work with billions and trillions of sources like licensed private database, archives and journals. It is helpful for an author of a book, blog writers, students writing school essays, journalists creating articles and a freelance writer developing different category pages.

In all, understanding duplicate content and its impact on SEO and following these tips can ensure a plagiarism-free content. Make sure to pick an anti plagiarism tool that offers a comprehensive plagiarism report to help you make the necessary changes easily.

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