Why Conversing Our Forests Is The Need Of The Hour

Environmental protection is indeed an important responsibility that we all should be collaboratively working towards. Not only is it the need of the hour, but it is necessary from the point of view of human survival on planet earth. The forest cover around us has been steadily getting thinner with the increase in urbanisation and metropolitan cities. According to the UN FAO, since 2010, 10 million hectares of forests have been cut down each year.

Protecting our environment, saving forests from natural as well as man-made disasters has become quite difficult. Let us focus a bit more on why now, more than ever, it is high time we understand the importance of forest conservation.

1. Responsible for Sourcing Daily Needs

Starting from the basics – the forests possess the most extensive spread of trees. Cutting them down is a severe blow to receiving clean air as well as water. Even more so, the food that we eat is only there because of these trees – all the raw materials of food are sourced from trees. Even most of the medicinal properties and the cosmetics that we use are available only because of the presence of trees. Deforestation is not just the removal of trees, but it is the deprivation of basic life necessities that we all have come to depend on. 

2. Avoiding Pollution

With the rapid growth of urbanisation, pollution has become an inevitable part of our daily lives. With vehicles constantly on the road, the emission of smoke simply seems to be doubling with each passing day. Many times excessive inhaling of these pollutants can also lead to health issues. Air pollution is now considered to be one of the greatest environmental threats to health that causes 7 million deaths globally each year.

The only way to begin getting a respite from these pollutants is by planting more trees and saving the forest. The environment plays an important role in protecting you against pollution, and by cutting forests down, with lesser greenery around, things are only going to get more serious as the future comes around the corner.

3. More Greenery Enables Better Weather Conditions

Contrary to popular belief, the environment is likely to consume more carbon dioxide than it releases during the process of photosynthesis. We are already aware of how we look for shade during extremely hot weather conditions; areas with more greenery are likely to be cooler. This is because trees make effective use of solar energy, which then helps in the successful evaporation of moisture, allowing us to experience coolness as a respite from the heat. With global warming rapidly increasing, the near future is even more dependent on environmental protection to save the forests from getting destroyed.

4. Gives Us Oxygen to Survive

It goes without saying and is the ultimate universal truth that we get oxygen to survive from trees. If we do not buck up now and start taking forest conservation seriously, the biggest disadvantage that we are going to face is the lack of oxygen, making survival impossible.

In Conclusion

There are various digital platforms that are actively taking the responsibility of spreading awareness on the importance of saving our forests. These not only encourage you to do your bit but create and be a part of a community with similar beliefs and intentions. Forest conservation is definitely the need of the hour, and now more than ever, we have to work towards it together for a better future.

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