Liposuction: Benefits, Uses, and everything that you should know

This is one of the most popular procedures in the world, as liposuction allows you to get your perfect body in a matter of minutes. The purpose of liposuction is to remove fat deposits that accumulate in specific parts of the body, like abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. This area is also shaped (contoured) by liposuction. Also called Lipoplasty and body contouring, liposuction is a relatively recent medical procedure.

Weight-loss alternatives and liposuction aren’t usually considered weight-loss methods in their overall sense. If you are overweight, diet and exercise will likely help you lose more weight than liposuction. You can also lose more weight by having bariatric procedures, such as gastric bypass performed. If you have too much body fat in designated areas but otherwise are of stable weight, you might be a candidate for liposuction. Let us examine this in detail:

Liposuction – what is it used for?

In contrast to liposuction, which is primarily used for cosmetic purposes, it is also a procedure that has no physical health benefits. Healthy eating, regular exercise, and a healthy sleep schedule are probably all things that can help most people achieve the same or better results as a healthful lifestyle.

The use of liposuction is typically recommended when lifestyle changes were not effective. These procedures can be used for fat deposits that aren’t responding to exercise and dietary changes. As an individual gains weight, fat cells expand and become larger. When liposuction is done, the number of fat cells in specific areas is reduced.

Before deciding whether liposuction is right for them, patients should discuss the pros and cons with their doctors. Patients should weigh the pros as well as the cons before going ahead with liposuction. The results are more subtle than dramatic. Typical body areas to be treated by liposuction include:

  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • In the area around the neck and under the chin
  • Inner knees
  • Hips
  • Chest
  • Flanks
  • Outer thighs, as well as inner thighs, are also referred to as saddlebags.
  • Upper arms

When you have the right skin tone and elasticity, liposuction works best for you. The skin will mold itself into new shapes as a result of liposuction. People with loose-looking skin in the areas where they undergo the procedure may have a loss of elasticity in their skin.

To apply, the person must be 18 years old or older and in good health. Liposuction should not be performed on individuals with circulatory or blood flow problems, including those with diabetes, coronary artery disease, or weakened immune systems.

Before you start, what should you know?

Your surgeon is the first person you should contact. Your goals, risks, your options, and benefits, and costs need to be discussed. Ask all the questions you have. Taking liposuction is a serious decision, and your surgeon will advise you on the necessary preparation. For example, you may have to restrict your alcohol intake.

You should let your surgeon know if you have any allergies and about any medications you are taking, including over-the-counter items and herbal supplements. They might advise not to take certain medications several weeks before surgery, including blood thinners and certain pain relievers.

Different techniques of Liposuction

Tumescent liposuction: The area has been pumped with several litres of a saline solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine, which cause the vessels to constrict. By sucking out fat through small tubes, the fat is suctioned out. Most people choose this method of liposuction.

Laser-Assisted Lipolysis (LAL): The procedure of laser-guided lipo, also known as tumescent fluid lipo, is performed. In comparison to traditional liposuction, it is a minimally invasive and less bloody procedure for eliminating fat. To transform fat under the skin, a small tube is inserted through a small incision. Laser energy and heat are delivered through the tube.

Dry liposuction: There is no injection of fluid before the fat removal. Modern fat removal rarely uses this technique. This technique carries a higher risk for bruising and bleeding.

Power-assisted liposuction (PAS): PAS, or powered liposuction, uses a specialized cannula that is attached to a mechanized system that moves rapidly back and forth, allowing the surgeon to extract fat more easily from the body.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL): An ultrasonic cannula is used in ultrasound liposuction, a technique known as ultrasonic liposuction. When fat is in contact with the cannula, it melts away. The vibration of ultrasound causes fat cells to burst and melt away. Emulsify or liquefy the fat so that it is easier for it to be suctioned out with a vacuum. As a result, this method works well on areas with fibrous tissue, such as the breast, back, or areas where liposuction has previously been attempted. To remove the liquefied fat, suction-assisted liposuction is performed following ultrasonic liposuction.

Benefits of Liposuction

It is generally done for aesthetic reasons, but liposuction can sometimes be used to treat certain conditions as well. A few of these are:

  • A form of chronic oedema or swelling caused by the accumulation of excess lymph fluid in tissues, known as lymphedema. These conditions affect the arms and legs most commonly. Liposuction can sometimes be used to reduce discomfort, pain, and swelling.
  • A man may accumulate fat under his breasts due to gynecomastia.
  • Lipodystrophy syndrome refers to a pattern of fat storage and loss on the body. Through liposuction, the body fat distribution can be improved, making the patient appear more natural.
  • After losing at least 40% of their BMI, someone with morbid obesity may require surgical removal of excess skin and other abnormalities.
  • The term lipoma refers to benign, fatty tumours.

Inflammation must be reduced before the results of liposuction can be seen. Some patients take several months to see the results. Within about four weeks, most swelling will have subsided, and part of the area where fat was removed will appear less bulky. You are highly recommended to opt for liposuction in Dubai if you want to lose weight.

Weight loss can usually be expected to be permanent for people who maintain their weight. People who gain weight may find they have a different fat distribution after the procedure. If you previously accumulated fat on your hips, you may find that you have a new problem area on your buttocks. Liposuction in Dubai has become widely recognized as a highly regarded cosmetic surgery centre.

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