Laparoscopy for Infertility: What to Expect?

Laparoscopy is used to diagnose and treat infertility. It is a minimally invasive procedure. Small incisions are made on the belly button. The doctor then inserts a laparoscope. This is a fibre optic tube with a camera and light. It helps to visually examine the pelvic cavity and the pelvic reproductive organs. This is known as diagnostic laparoscopy. The process is safe and does not come with major side effects. It is typically performed under anaesthesia and takes 30-45 minutes. It ensures quick recovery and early discharge from the clinic.

Laparoscopy for infertility usually includes operation as well. The doctor can remove visible scar tissues and implants that hamper fertility. Below is a detailed guide on what to expect.

Ø  Endometriosis  

Lesions, polyps and cysts growing on the ovary are removed. Endometriomas and chocolate cysts are also operated and eliminated from the ovaries Surgery is usually successful for moderate or mild endometriosis and improves the chances of fertility. The process usually includes cutting or destroying the tissues with an electric current or laser beam. There is little or no scarring and you can go home after a day.

Ø  Tubal Complications

Tubal damage makes up for 14% of reproductive complications. Laparoscopy for infertility can be used to remove tubal pathology, hydrosalpinx and adhesions. A tuboplasty can also be recommended for blocked fallopian tubes. It restores the function of the organ by surgically repairing the damage from infections. This boosts the chances of achieving pregnancy.

Ø  Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

The doctor can recommend ovarian drilling. It can be performed via laparoscopy. Two to three tiny incisions are made on the ovaries. The process can trigger ovulation in women with PCOS within 6-8 weeks. This is a one-time treatment, unlike fertility medicines that need to be taken regularly. It is a safe and effective treatment for anovulatory women. Electrocautery is also used to destroy certain parts of the ovary. But this method is rarely used.

Ø  Painful Fibroids

Fibroid tumours are the most common cause of infertility. Submucosal ones can distort the uterine cavity by bulging inside. They can also block a major portion of the fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy can be done to remove big and small fibroids. This in turn enhances the odds of conception. Fibroid removal can also ensure a positive outcome of the IVF process.

Ø  Ectopic Pregnancy

Studies have found that 0.02% of pregnancies in India are ectopic. Over 95% of the cases usually occur on the fallopian tubes. Other locations are the abdomen or the ovaries. Laparoscopic salpingostomy is used to remove these harmful ectopic. The eggs can then travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus from the ovaries. Hysterectomy, oophorectomy and caesarean section are also combined with this process. The tubes are usually left to heal on their own. It is the best and the most effective life-saving option.

Laparoscopic infertility treatment in Delhi is one of the best ways to improve the possibility of having a baby. You can feel fevers, chills, light-headedness and nausea. These are easily manageable and does not have a major impact on your health.

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