5 Benefits of Putting Your Baby in the Intensive Care Unit

The birth of a baby is a joyous occasion. But the transition from the womb into the physical world might be difficult for your newborn. There are changes in the pulmonary circulation, the immune system must work independently and the lungs must breathe in air. Impairment in these functions due to premature birth, underlying health issues and birth defects would require around-the-clock supervision in the intensive care unit. Incubators, infant warmers, monitors, feeding tubes and ventilators ensure the speedy recovery of your baby. Here are a few other advantages of admitting a baby in the NICU at the best children’s hospital in Bangalore.

1. Treatment of Common Conditions

Sick newborns might face multiple health challenges including anemia, apnea, breathing troubles, pneumonia, respiratory distress syndrome, infectious diseases and hypoglycemia. These babies are constantly monitored at state of the art level III NICU by experienced technicians and nurses. Several treatment combinations are adopted to help improve their health gradually.

2. Health Care Tests

For accurate diagnosis and treatment, high-risk newborns undergo screenings in the NICU.  The results help understand the immediate requirements of the baby. For example, a bilirubin blood test can check the liver health and detect jaundice. An X-ray can look for stomach or lung infections. Other basic tests include MRI, Echocardiogram, CAT Scan and ultrasounds.

3. Offers Critical Care Facilities

Premature babies run the risk of heart problems, urinary tract infection, birth defects, breathing difficulties and similar neonatal abnormalities. They require high quality and special care at the NICU of the top children’s hospital in Bangalore. Doctors optimize the baby’s care by tackling complications with advanced equipment and technology to help you take home a healthy baby.

4. Cures Fetal Distress Post Delivery

This is a condition in which the new born does not receive enough oxygen due to placental abruption. This leads to decreased fetal movements, changes in baby’s heart beats, birth injuries, abnormal amniotic fluid level and cerebral palsy. These are the times when the infant is admitted in the NICU and receives specialized nursing and medical care.  

5. Structured Care for Newborns

Right after birth, babies develop a definite eat and sleep schedule in the NICU. The team of pediatricians, nutritionists, nurses and consultants offer high-end tertiary care. They can tell you the specific requirements of the baby like their sleep durations and eating and defecating habits. Mothers can learn when the child would be most alert or when they require rest. Knowing these details makes it easier to give the proper care later.

Having a baby in the NICU can be overwhelming for parents. On the other hand, it is quite rewarding to watch your child being nurtured well. This is only a stage of temporary separation till you can take your precious one home.

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