3 Top Labor Complications and How to Manage Them

Roughly 15% of all pregnant women develop potentially life-threatening complications. Further, the labor phase also comes with certain complications. These include looped umbilical cord, amniotic cavity issues, pernineal lacerations and water breaking earlier than due. However, the good is that these rarely have severe impact on the mother or the baby.

In the hands of the best gynaecologist, such as those in South Delhi, the problems can be effectively managed with special attention and care. In fact, a few of the problems have specific medical treatments while measures are also available to prevent them completely. However, having a sound knowledge of the conditions beforehand can help you cope better. Have a look.

1. Fetal Distress

This is a situation when the baby does not develop well inside the womb. This can be identified by an irregular heartbeat, problems with muscle movement and tone and low amniotic fluid levels, according to an article on Medical News Today. The underlying causes are mainly maternal anemia, intrauterine growth restrictions, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, placental abruption and pregnancy related hypertension.

Doctor might use a vacuum extractor or forceps to deliver the child. This is a relatively quicker process and can aid in better health of the baby. Further, changing the mother’s position, intravenous hypertonic dextrose and increasing maternal hydration can also help.

2. Placenta Previa

The condition in which the cervix opening is covered is known as placenta previa. If this is not corrected by the end of the pregnancy, mothers might require a cesarean at best hospital for delivering a baby. This is one of the most common complications and affects about 1 in 200 cases. In fact, 75% of all pregnancies come with this placenta previa. The ones who are vulnerable are smokers, aged over 35, have fibroids and have had four or more pregnancies.
Usually, a bed rest is required in the hospital for a few days. Further, in case of excess blood loss, transfusion is recommended. Lastly, an immediate operation is conducted when the fetal heart rate is improper or when there is an obvious chance of major blood loss. 

3. Progress Failure

There are several reasons for this complication. The baby’s head might be too big, slow effacement, cervix did not dilate enough, weakened contractions, multiple deliveries, or non-smooth descent of the infant in the birth canal.

Firstly, mothers should avoid gaining too much weight. This can reduce the chances of a large baby which makes normal delivery quite difficult and painful. Further, keep changing positions and stay home until you contractions are 3 minutes apart. You can also take help of a midwife or doula to offer the much needed relief and support before heading to the hospital. The best gynaecologist in South Delhi might recommend pain medications, ask you to wait and relax or take a warm bath. When these fail, they might suggest labor-inducing medications to ease the complication. The other major complications are nuchal cord compression, meconium aspiration and breech position. However, none of these are fatal. Proper health-care like pre-natal visits and following doctor’s advice can assure a smooth and worry-free delivery.

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