What Causes Upper Back Pain?

Upper back pain is one of the most common causes of pain in adults. This type of pain is usually localized in the upper half of your back and it can be felt anywhere from your neck to your rib cage.

Moreover, as we age, our spines often lose their natural curve and this can lead to an increased risk for spinal degeneration and pressure on nerves in the spine.

Other factors that can contribute to upper back pain include improper posture, poor lifting techniques, poor sleeping habits, etc. Even minor muscle strains or injuries, repetitive movements such as heavy lifting or overstretching during activities can affect the upper back.

It’s not always easy to determine what’s causing the pain because there are so many different possibilities. In this blog post, find out what might be causing your upper back pain. You will also know how you can stop it from happening again with exercises for upper back pain.

Poor Posture

The first thing people do when they have back pain is to stretch their muscles, to take a tablet or google how to fix it. But what most people don’t realize is that the root cause of the problem might actually be their posture. Poor posture can lead to back pain, neck pain, and other health problems. The good news is that if you change your posture, you can also prevent these issues from happening in the future.

Accident and Injury

The back is a very complicated structure with many joints, muscles, bones and ligaments all working together to produce motion and stability.

Pain can be caused by an injury or accident to the spine itself, or by an injury to any other part of the body that causes movement in the spine.

It might feel like your back pain will never go away. But yes, you can handle it well with the help of stretching exercises for back pain and use Moov gel.

Compression Fracture

Compression fracture is a common type of spinal fracture which arises with the compression of vertebrae. It’s also called burst fracture or kyphotic collapse.

It may happen to any bone in the body, but it typically occurs in the spine. A person with this injury has difficulty walking and standing, and pain that worsens with activity.

They may also feel tenderness at the site of injury or numbness or tingling down one or both legs. It’s important to discuss your symptoms with your doctor as soon as possible. If you ignore these symptoms, it could lead to more serious issues like paralysis or death.


If you have arthritis, you may be more prone to upper back pain. It is a common misconception that arthritis only affects the joints in your hands and feet, but it can also cause joint damage in other areas of the body. In fact, many people who have arthritis in their hips or knees experience lower back pain as well. If you are experiencing upper back pain from arthritis, then it is suggested to consult a doctor.

Exercise to Do for Upper Back Pain

  • Neck Rolls: aids in lowering pain to shoulder, upper back, and neck muscles. It’s easy for anyone to do.
  • Shoulder Shrug:  it’s a combination of breathing and stretching exercise perfect to get rid of back pain in upper body
  • Butterfly Wings: Commonly done exercise which, take away strain from shoulder and neck

Wrapping Up

Upper back pain can be caused by numerous factors as we talked about in this post. Luckily, the majority of the time, upper back pain is not life threatening and can be treated. However, if you suspect that you are experiencing serious pain and are unable to move you should seek emergency medical help. If your upper back pain is coming from muscle strain or overuse, you may be able to treat your pain through rest, exercise or using Moov pain relief cream. If your pain is coming from a pinched nerve in your spine, you may need to see a spine specialist.

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